COH Publications Added to MEDLINE/SCI in Oct 2007

November 7, 2007

The following City of Hope citations were added to MEDLINE or Web of Science/Science Citation Index in October 2007.

  1. Al-Abdullah, I.H., Valiente, L., Bentsi-Barnes, K., Omori, K., Iglesias, I., Orr, C., Umeadi, C., Ferreri, K., Todorov, I., Al-Sayed, M., and Kandeel, F.: Testing combinations of protease inhibitor and preservation solution to improve islet quality and yield. Xenotransplantation 2006, 14(5):486-487.
  2. Al-Sayed, M., Al-Abdullah, I., Omori, K., Hacker, J., Williams, B., Valiente, L., La Rose, A., Bentsi-Barnes, K., Orr, C., Aboul-Saoud, A., Ferreri, K., Todorov, I., Mullen, Y., Ipp, E., Bunnapradist, S., Smith, C., and Kandeel, F.: Improved graft survival following islet transplantation using higher sirolimus levels. Xenotransplantation 2006, 14(5):399-399.
  3. Anderson, C.A., Minia, H., Cullinane, C., and Grannis, F.: Minimally invasive approach to management of malignant pericardial effusion. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2006, 205(3):S24-S25.
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